Our Speakers

Our speakers are industry leaders, experts, evangelists, tech pioneers and opinion leaders. With their support, we are able to offer you the best content on the most desired topics of the moment. Our conferences are ready to meet the champions!
Catalin Gheorghiu

Catalin Gheorghiu

Solution Architect at EPAM Romania
Mihăiță Țintă

Mihăiță Țintă

Chapter Lead Engineer at ING Hubs Romania
Ștefan-David Cotruță

Ștefan-David Cotruță

Engineer at ING Hubs Romania
Ștefan-David Cotruță

Ștefan-David Cotruță

Engineer at ING Hubs Romania
Mihăiță Țintă

Mihăiță Țintă

Chapter Lead Engineer at ING Hubs Romania
Catalin Gheorghiu

Catalin Gheorghiu

Solution Architect at EPAM Romania