DevCon Bucharest is the premier conference dedicated to IT professionals and tech enthusiasts in Romania.
It will take place on November 1-2, 2023 at NORD Events Center by Globalworth, in Bucharest.
At DevCon, the IT community has the chance to meet a technical agenda where over fifty IT champions come together to present their greatest ideas and introduce the audience to the newest developments in technology. This year's edition of DevCon, which is entirely in-person, will welcome back over 2000 guests, over 30 partners, insightful topics, impactful networking opportunities, and—above all—a special exhibitors area.
Why should you join DevCon?
- Learnfromthebest. You'llhavethechancetolearnfromthemindsthat are shapingthefuture of IT.
- Makenewfriends. Devconis a great place tomeetotherpeoplewho are passionateaboutthetechindustry.
DevConis a greatopportunitytolearn, grow, andnetworkwithotherpeoplewho are passionateabouttechnology.
Here are a fewtips for makingthemost of yourDevconexperience:
- Plan ahead. Take a look at thescheduleandidentifythetalks, masterclasses. Thiswillhelpyoutosavetime at Devcon.
- Don'tbeshy. The speakers of Devcon are allexperts in theirfield, andthey'reheretosharetheirknowledgewithyou. Don'tbeafraidtoaskquestionsandclarifyanythingthatyoudon'tunderstand.
- Get involved. Thisis a greatwaytomeetnewpeopleandlearn more aboutthelatesttechnologiesandbe part of thecommunity.
Sowhat are youwaiting for? Get yourticketstoDevContoday!